Debts and statute of limitations
Skulder och preskription - Engelska
If you have bought a good or service from a company, the company has the right to demand payment for up to three years. After three years, the debt is statute-barred, which means that the company can no longer demand that you pay the debt. But sometimes the limitation period is extended and the party seeking payment has more time to enforce the debt. So don’t count on your debt being statute-barred.
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Statute of limitations on debts – Important to know
The limitation period can be extended. So don’t count on your debt being statute-barred.
Protest to the company if you disagree with the debt.
What is the limitation period of debts?
The limitation period for a dept means the time someone has to demand payment.
The main principle is that a debt is statute-barred after 10 years.
If you as a private individual have bought something from a company, on the other hand, the limitation period is 3 years. The company you bought from can therefore demand that you pay for three years from the last day of payment.
How long is the limitation period for a debt?
The limitation period differs for different types of debt. Examples of common debts and statute of limitations periods:
Goods and services you purchase from companies: 3 years.
Bank loans: 10 years.
Fines: 5 years.
Income taxes: 5 years.
Bills and credit card debts: 3 years.
Debts to municipal services: 3 or 10 years depending on the type of debt.
Can a limitation period be extended?
The limitation period can be extended in some cases. A new limitation period begins to run if there is an interruption during the limitation period. Then the company will have more time and you will be obliged to pay.
A limitation interruption can be, for example, that:
the company has sent you reminders during the limitation period
you have asked for an instalment plan
you notify the company that you will pay.
If you receive a payment demand for a statute-barred debt
Has a company notified you that you must pay a debt you think is statute-barred? Write to the company and explain why you don’t think you should pay the debt.
You can always dispute a claim you think is wrong.
Further information about contesting
Keep in mind that if the company can prove that they sent reminders during the limitation period, the limitation period on the debt will be extended. Then you are still liable to pay.
Advice on your personal finances
Contact the municipal budget and debt counselling in your municipality if you need advice on your finance. This service is provided free of charge. A household finances and debt counsellor can help you overview your finances and provide practical advice if you are in debt. You can also receive assistance in applying for debt restructuring.
Source: Konsumentverket
Proofread: 19 February 2023